RISE Women's Retreat

We see you, you’re ready to truly and finally heal any and all past wounds, ready to clear the B**s*t that keeps surfacing and showing up, you’re ready to completely empty that backpack of yours that has weighed heavy for far too long, you’re ready to draw the line in the sand, you’re ready FOR YOU and in clearing out the old and welcoming SPACE for the NEW - you’re ready to radically transform yourSELF and your future…

Welcome H O M E to RISE Women’s Retreat… the place where deep healing and radical transformation powerfully meet.

Nadine and the NMCM Retreat Team are so READY and HONOURED to welcome you and your sisters joining you on the revolutionary and unique experience that we are proudly renowned for.

With only THREE retreats per year - private, exclusive and highly sought after these have limited spots available each retreat. Your time to powerfully rise, release, reignite and reclaim YOU gets to be now. The decision to cross the threshold you get to boldly make for yourself now, for the healing and transformation in 2 nights 3 days - that will transform you for LIFE.

WE thank you for already choosing to entrust us to embark on the best and most liberating work you’ll ever do on yourSELF. It’s time for you land into this safe place and space for you to come H O M E, where you can be deeply held, heard, seen, LOVED and celebrated in your 2.0! See you on our next RISE retreat!

Nadine and NMCM Team x 



March 1-3, 2024 (SOLD OUT)

June 28-30, 2024

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You can read the full T&C's here:  https://www.nadinemuller.com.au/terms

What People Are Saying:

Diving into this experience, there's no way to explain what happened, and there's no way to prepare yourself for it. You can't read a book and be prepared for this. I've been involved in self-help and healing stuff for a long while, but nothing compares to what we just experienced this weekend.


I'm so grateful to have finally taken the step and done it, and I wanna do it again and again, but then also feel so full that I don't need to. I feel so truly myself that I don't think I'll need to do it again, but I also wanna do it again and again every weekend for the rest of my life


My rage yesterday felt so good, and I felt amazing after that rage. Then I just sat in awe of all the other women, and I couldn't wait for them to have the same transformation that I just conquered. To all the powerful women out there, you can do it. Just do it. It will change your life, and you will be in such a safe space


I feel a lot lighter, a lot happier, stronger. I just like last night I think it was I just found my strength and I woke up this morning feeling so strong and just yeah ready to take the world on now.


Everything is bright. We're just incredibly excited to go and see them. The Rise Retreat has definitely wrapped everything up for me, but my journey is still going.


I feel calm, content, surrendered, and ready to release all the suppressed emotions that have kept me stagnant and stuck. I feel like I can conquer the world. Thank you so much for trusting in me and sharing your story, letting go, being the first one to show me the way, to help me open up as well. The sisterhood, it was just amazing, amazing, so loved, so supported, so safe, so seen.


Letting go of the people that no longer serve me. I just love them. I love them all. They're so powerful, their strength, their determination. I just can't wait to see where they go from now. Very loved. Thank you for believing in me and holding space for me


I feel completely different from how I came in. I feel more aligned with my divine feminine and my inner self. The most important thing I took out of this was reconnecting with my inner child and having her with me now forever. It's been amazing. Like those feelings are life-changing. The whole experience was so profound, completely life-changing.


My favorite breakthrough moment, there were so many. I think it was just feeling into myself and coming back home to me. That's probably the most powerful moment that I had, where I just came home to myself and put myself first again


The first time, I still felt tense, but the second time, it was like I became a new person. Life is going to be different as I walk out the door today. I feel ready, happy, joyful, and light. It's such a contrast to when I walked in, all tense and caught up with the business of life.


Thank you for who you are and what you do every step of the way, changing women's pathways in life, every step of the way. I am strong, courageous, determined, committed to do whatever it takes, and nothing's gonna stop me.


My experience in this retreat is life changing! I'm here to live my life to the fullest. Do it for yourself, it's something that you would thank yourself in the future. It's magical, I'll never forget it

Ashe Hornsby

Every single one of the women that I met this weekend are all just so special, and I just would love to say thank you to them for holding space for me and for helping me through their stories as well. Like, I think we all really helped one another. You don't realize how connected you all are until you start to share. It really did feel like a sisterhood. I think you just need to make the decision to put yourself first. You will heal together. Thank you for the experience. Thank you for holding the space. Absolutely worth it. I don't think you're ever going to be fully ready.

Davina Rankin

I promise you that your life will be changed by the time that you leave on that Sunday, like I hand on my heart, and I swear on my children's life. And I'm so emotional about it because literally, it was the best thing I ever did in my whole entire life.

Krystle Brant

$1,500.00 AUD

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