$550.00 AUD

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Personalised Live Session with Script Creation & Recording

An NMCM Master Certified Modern Therapeutic Hypnosis Practitioner will create a personalised hypnosis for you that is tailored to your current needs. Your personalised therapeutic hypnosis can support areas such as anxiety, stress, sleep concerns, optimal health management, panic attacks, pain relief, smoking cessation, and many more. 

Your personalised therapeutic hypnosis will offer your subconscious mind the suggestions required to rewrite the script that directs your thoughts and behaviours for your chosen area. All suggestions are provided by you, in your words. An intake form will be sent to you following your purchase. This purchase provides you with a LIVE therapeutic hypnosis session and a recording for life-time access.

Hypnosis is a gentle, safe and natural process. What we know to be true is that hypnosis has been around for over 5000 years old. It is the utilisation of the trance state and something we all do naturally. Hypnosis is a cooperative interaction in which the participant / client responds to the suggestions from the Hypnosis Practitioner. During hypnosis you enter a trance like state where you experience increased attention, concentration and suggestibility. Hypnosis is extremely powerful for deep relaxation and when it comes to releasing old unwanted habits and behaviours. During hypnosis we simply relax the critical faculty so we can talk directly to the unconscious mind (which is where all our programs are stored) and In this state we can offer positive suggestions and new desired behaviours. 


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