$149.00 AUD

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Loss & Grief Through Miscarriage

This recording is dedicated to S & S xo

Master Certified in Modern Therapeutic Hypnosis Nadine Muller guides you through a gentle and nurturing therapeutic hypnosis for loss and grief through miscarriage. The loss of a pregnancy for a much loved soul can bring intense emotions as well as confusion, sadness and feelings of helplessness. Grieving a miscarriage is a personal experience, and this therapeutic hypnosis has been beautifully created to listen to as often as you need as you move through the stages of grief, reach into your emotions and allow yourself to be fully present through the grief and emotional pain. Within this hypnosis recording, Nadine Muller will offer your subconscious mind the suggestions and permission to be in the healing stages of grief, whilst having open communication with your partner, loved ones and the self-love and compassion that you get to turn towards yourself. This purchase allows you to download with life-time access.

Hypnosis is a gentle, safe and natural process. What we know to be true is that hypnosis has been around for over 5000 years old. It is the utilisation of the trance state and something we all do naturally. Hypnosis is a cooperative interaction in which the participant / client responds to the suggestions from the Hypnosis Practitioner. During hypnosis you enter a trance like state where you experience increased attention, concentration and suggestibility. Hypnosis is extremely powerful for deep relaxation and when it comes to releasing old unwanted habits and behaviours. During hypnosis we simply relax the critical faculty so we can talk directly to the unconscious mind (which is where all our programs are stored) and In this state we can offer positive suggestions and new desired behaviours. 


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